ase development / buzz plugins
[asedev HumanS01] / name

[1.0] / revision
[effect] / type
[02.April.1999] / date of release

The [asedev HumanS01] machine can be used to give your sound a little human touch. In comparison to the [asedev HumanM01] machine this machine humanizes the panning instead the volume. The user can choose the amount of human swing he wants just by using the parameter called "(h)-Pan". The craziness of the effect can be controled with the parameter "Ticks". With the "Speed" parameter one can give the sound a little smooth sound and it can be used to avoid clicks.

Cause of using some random factors this effect will sound different every time you use it. This is only problematic for high "(h)-Pan" values.

(h)-Pan:        The parameter ranges from 0 to 100. Where a value of 0 results in no swing and a value of 100 freaks out.
Ticks:       The parameter ranges from 1 to 32. Where a value of 1 lets the machine recalculate new values every tick and a value of 32 every 32nd tick.
Speed:       The parameter ranges from 1 to 200. Give your effect a little time to make a fade from the current to the new settings.

For feedback and/or bug reports write to

This software is FREEWARE. The author of this program cannot be held responsible for any damage this program may do to your system! Use it at your own risk!